Surprising detail

Young Borges leans over the pillow
To find there is no ultimate Borges.

Since there can’t be ultimate poem
Borges is always a detail to go into.

There is a sky in and above Borges
It is abstract & has surprising detail.

Old Borges died on August 24,1986
Which is surprising amount of detail.


Blue necklace left on a charred chair
Tells that Beauty was startled there
—Alun Lewis, ‘Raiders’ Dawn’

Now here ,decision comes in play
Not seeing things in their entirety

Everything is fleeting with a noise
Inside time that passes efficiently

A cat-clock purring in a midnight
Cat moon extinguished in foliage.

A decision sits here in spider web.
It’s fleeting rain pearl is mutative

Charred chair seats the necklace-
A beauty startled there at its start.

Beauty ended with a burning light.
This plastic chair cannot sit erect.


In phrases, in it’s unusual coming.
Houses feel feverish in foreheads

And a warm light bathes phrases.
Their grimness is hardly brow-knit

Both to be & not to be, reconciled
As there will be coming upon light.

This is fresh- peeled sunset voice.
As we understand in a little Larkin,

A brickwork astonished by coming.
So much lies in a power of spring.

(After Philip Larkin’s poem ‘Coming‘)

Macro situation

I see the daily event of the ants
Crossing highway of the antline

Inside a grout near swimming pool
With kids splashing feetin thuds.

What about a lonely security guy
Sitting on stool of round holes?

Of course, there is rock too, with
Hard -feeling textures by roses

Red roses are loved less by sun.
Only their own shadows outshine.

The women stretch their shadows
Roses are no less pretty by them.

The roses, the aunt’s and the ants
Form a morning’s macro situation.

Everything was fine

Irish poet Derek Mahon who reminded us that everything was going to be alright died on October 1 at the age of 78

St. Patrick drove the snakes into sea.
In Ireland, poets don’t dream snakes

But only planes falling on a country
And /or other deeper Freudian stuff.

As promised one Derek Mahon died
On October 1 & everything was fine.

Till date, there are no snakes in here.
Ireland shines like an emerald in sea.

There is a thaw

There is a thaw setting them free.
The old ride happy sledges down

Like they are horses pooping live.
The horses hardly laugh out loud

As in internet chat with strangers.
When the old slide down in fright,

Horses neigh a laughing out loud.
If the masters urge the horses on

With hot filthy abuses, they retort
By a spontaneous poop dropping.

In the deepest and whitest snows
Poop hurts warm like flesh wound.

Neutral hint

Skull and cross -bones are a still life
Painted as warnings on transformer

As reminder one could turn life still
If one touched roadside transformer.

The banana peel carelessly dropped
Is still life, a roadside memento mori

Just back from a still life temple god
Whose holy waters we had imbibed.

Banana peel is neutral hint to moron
A memento mori like skull/crossbones.